The Australian Federation of Islamic Councils (AFIC) stands resolutely in support of Senator Fatima Payman’s anticipated decision to cross the floor to vote in favor of the Greens’ motion for the official recognition of Palestine. This bold move demonstrates commendable courage and integrity, highlighting a commitment to human rights and justice.

Dr. Rateb Jneid, President of AFIC, stated, “We commend Senator Payman for her bravery and moral leadership. At a time when too many remain silent, her willingness to stand up and be counted sets a powerful example for all members of Parliament.”

AFIC calls upon all senators to support this pivotal motion. It is a matter of human dignity and justice, key values that cross political lines. The recognition of Palestine by the Australian Senate would be a significant step toward acknowledging the rights and sufferings of the Palestinian people and fostering peace in the region.

Furthermore, AFIC challenges the Australian Government to re-evaluate its ongoing support of Israeli actions that have been widely recognised and condemned as plausable genocidal by international bodies. The government’s position increasingly isolates Australia from the global consensus on human rights and international law.

“It is unconscionable for any elected official to remain silent or inactive in the face of ongoing atrocities that have devastated countless lives,” added Dr. Jneid. “This motion will provide all Senators with an opportunity to take a stand for what is just and right. Silence and inaction are complicity.”

AFIC also calls on the Australian public and community leaders to voice their support for this motion and for the rights of Palestinians. It is time for Australia to lead with compassion and justice, and to align our foreign policy with the principles of human rights and dignity for all.

AFIC, established in 1964, stands as the Peak Muslim Organisation in Australia, with 170 members including 9 State and Territory Councils. It has a rich history of pioneering numerous community services and actively advocating for the rights and representation of the Muslim community.


Dr Rateb Jneid, President

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