As the devastation in Lebanon and Gaza continues to escalate, we, at the Australian Federation of Islamic Councils (AFIC), urgently call on the international community to take swift action to halt the violence that has tragically claimed the lives of countless innocent civilians, including children, women, men, and the elderly.

The bombardments in Lebanon and Gaza have indiscriminately affected thousands of civilians, devastating homes, overwhelming hospitals, and reducing entire neighbourhoods to rubble. Each day, the loss of life increases, with the most vulnerable—children, the elderly, and women—suffering disproportionately. The futures of the children in these regions are being destroyed before they even have a chance to live.

This is not merely a regional crisis; it is a global humanitarian disaster demanding a robust international response. We call for immediate, decisive action to stop these atrocities. This includes enforcing ceasefires and finding peaceful resolutions, not merely discussing them.

We challenge the silence of the world’s leaders. If such destruction were occurring on your doorstep, how swiftly would you act? The international community, including governments, human rights organisations, and the United Nations, must unite to stop this violence and open aid corridors to those affected.

Moreover, we question the silence of Western democratic nations. Your inaction in the face of such atrocities betrays the very principles of human rights, justice, and equality you claim to uphold. True democracy defends human dignity, peace, and the protection of all lives.

This crisis transcends statistics—it is about real people. Children should be learning and playing, not fleeing for their lives. Families deserve safety, not the terror of bombs destroying their homes. Elders deserve peace, not the sorrow of seeing their world shattered.

The world faces a critical choice: act now to save lives or remain passive as more innocents perish. We implore the global community to choose action, to choose peace, and to choose humanity.

AFIC, established in 1964, stands as the Peak Muslim Organisation in Australia, with 170 members including 9 State and Territory Councils. It has a rich history of pioneering numerous community services and actively advocating for the rights and representation of the Muslim community.


Dr Rateb Jneid, President

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