As we mark one year since the tragic events that escalated the conflict on October 7, the Australian Federation of Islamic Councils (AFIC) solemnly remembers the innocent lives lost and acknowledges the deep, ongoing pain that resonates through all communities, Palestinian and Jewish alike.

Dr. Rateb Jneid, President of AFIC, stated, “This day reminds us of the harsh realities of conflict, which does not discriminate in its impact. From Jewish to Muslim families, the grief caused by this violence is universal. It is a tragic reminder that no innocent life should be lost to such conflicts, irrespective of faith or nationality.”

Over the past year, the violence has not only claimed lives but has also shattered futures and intensified divisions. It is imperative that the global community recognises this cycle of violence as neither normal nor inevitable.

“We extend our deepest condolences to all who have suffered loss, and we reaffirm our commitment to advocating for a world where peace and human dignity prevail over conflict and despair,” added Dr. Jneid.

AFIC envisions a future where children, of all faiths and ethnicities, can grow up free from the shadows of war and occupation—a future where human rights are unequivocally respected, and lasting peace is a sustained reality.

“Now, more than ever, it is crucial that we collectively strive for peace. We urge leaders around the world to renew their efforts in resolving this conflict and paving the way for enduring harmony and security for all communities,” Dr. Jneid emphasized.

As we reflect on this sombre anniversary, AFIC calls for actionable steps towards peace and reconciliation. We stand ready to support initiatives that aim to heal and unite, ensuring no family endures the heartache of loss due to violence.

AFIC, established in 1964, stands as the Peak Muslim Organisation in Australia, with 170 members including 9 State and Territory Councils. It has a rich history of pioneering numerous community services and actively advocating for the rights and representation of the Muslim community.


Dr Rateb Jneid, President

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