AFIC notes the release of the “Islamophobia in Australia – II (2016-2017)” Report by Charles Sturt University. The Report, which looked at incidents reported to the Islamophobia Registry during this period, noted:
- 72% of victims were women
- Of the children surveyed, 53% reported having been subject to an incident of Islamophobia
- A significant increase of Islamophobic incidents over the previous period of 2014-15
- 73% of perpetrators were male
- An increase in online Islamophobia with links inciting or urging physical attacks on Muslims
In an environment that has led to the Christchurch massacre. and an increase in physical attacks on Mosques and community centres in Australia, these findings should be of concern to all Australians. AFIC President, Dr Rateb Jneid, stated “We have been seeing an increase in Islamophobic incidents and rhetoric for some time now and we are not, sadly, surprised by these findings. The rise in far-right activism, racism, discrimination and the increase in cases of physical attacks is a threat to the social harmony of our country.”
Islamophobia is an issue that all Australians should be concerned about. Everyone has the right to live their life free of such hatred and vitriol. AFIC calls on Australia’s political leadership to stand firm against such actions and to work with the community to introduce policies that will foster social harmony and bring the perpetrators of such incidents to justice.