Kamalle Dabboussy
Chief Executive Officer
Kamalle Dabboussy is AFIC’s Chief Executive Officer.
His is a journey marked by a wealth of experience and a commitment to the betterment of our diverse Muslim community. For over 40 years, he has, and continues to, provided support for our community both in Australia and abroad, addressing disadvantages faced by asylum seekers, refugees and migrants.
Kamalle has worked actively and strategically across both civil and political spheres, including at all levels of government as well as local and international NGOs
Kamalle is former Chair of Settlement Services International, board member of Western Sydney Community Forum and was the former treasurer of South West Legal Centre, as well as the former Chair of Muslim Aid Australia and numerous other organisations. He has also been the Manager and CEO at Western Sydney Migrant Resource Centre for close to 20 years.
Under his leadership, Kamalle is committed to using his knowledge and experience to further develop AFIC as a symbol of inclusivity, unity and the promotion of Islamic values within Australia.
He is passionate about helping AFIC work more closely with the Muslim communities of Australia and their stakeholders, with open communication that promotes the growth of Islam, to build resilience in families and communities and give a voice to the voiceless and vulnerable.