The Australian Federation of Islamic Councils (AFIC) again calls on the Australia Government to demand an immediate ceasefire in Gaza and use its influence to again call the UN Security council to reconvene and create a ceasefire for Gaza.
The security council use of veto stands in stark contrast to the objectives of the United Nations and Charter of Human Rights. The humanitarian case has never been clearer.
‘The world needs stop playing politics with the lives of civilians’
Dr Rateb Jneid, President of AFIC
Gaza is the most dangerous place in the world for a civilian. There are continuous bombings, siege of medicine, food, water and fuel, and the collapse of the healthcare system. The outbreak of disease is imminent and nowhere is safe.
AFIC calls on the UN to immediate meet its obligations. AFIC notes the joint press release on the 9 December by seven major international aid agencies also calling on the UN to reconvene and we echo and amplify their call (UN Security Council must reconvene and pass resolution for ceasefire – Action Against Hunger, CARE International, Mercy Corps. Norwegian Refugee Council. Oxfam International. Plan International. Save the Children International)
By note acting, the world is losing trust in the UN role and charter, it leaves itself to be opened to be seen as political pawn in the interest of one power, and in effect possibly be seen in supporting breaches of international law.
It is already late. The world must act now!
Dr Rateb Jneid, President of AFIC

Dr Rateb Jneid, President