It is with sadness and concern that we are witnessing the devasting fires in NSW & QLD at the moment. Our thoughts and prayers are with our fellow Australians who have suffered loss in the past few days.
Loss of property, livelihood and possession is a terrible thing but the loss of life is devasting. We extend our deep and heartfelt condolences to the families of the victims of these tragic events.
Dr Rateb Jneid, AFIC President, stated “The events of the past few days have been truly tragic and we stand with all Australians in expressing our sorrow and support to the those who have suffered in this tragedy.”
We also acknowledge and congratulate the tireless efforts of our emergency services and first responders. They put their own lives at risk for the sake of the rest of the community and if not for their brave work then the devastating outcomes of these fires may be so much worse than they already are.
Along with the rest of the country we stand by to offer whatever support we may be able to both now and in the days following these tragic events to help our fellow Australians recover and rebuild. We pray for the continued safety of all involved, both civilian and emergency workers.