AFIC notes media reports today in relation to the findings of Law Enforcement Conduct Commission investigation into the conduct of two members of the NSW Police Service.
We note the findings of misconduct made against the two police service members on the basis that their conduct was intimidatory, involved abusive language, bullying and was based, in part, on racial prejudice.
The investigation followed a complaint lodged by two women of Afghan background who were also Muslim and clearly identifiable as such.
This type of behaviour by individuals who are meant to be a source of protection and safety is appalling and severely undermines public faith in the police service and must be condemned by all parties. AFIC President, Dr Rateb Jneid, stated “No person should be subjected to such behaviour let along women. Muslim women face the greatest level of intimidation and harassment in the current environment and for them to face the same actions from police officers is extremely disappointing.”
AFIC calls on the NSW Government and Police Force to ensure that such behaviour is not systemic and that the individuals involved be appropriately dealt with. All police should be provided with sufficient training covering cultural sensitives, anti-discrimination and anti-racism matters to ensure that those who are the most victimised in society are not further traumatised by the very ones who should be protecting them.