The President of Muslims Australia AFIC Dr Rateb Jneid extends his gratitude and thanks to all the wonderful people around the globe and especially from New Zealand and Australia for their support in this time of grief.
He said while it is hard to come to terms in this tragic situation it is heartening to see the support pouring for the Muslim community from all over the world. The messages of solidarity, the memorials and the emotional tributes received were exceptional, clearly showing that humanity can unite and negate evil.
The view of Islam is clear: God says in the Quran.
“O people, We have created you from a male and a female and made you into races and tribes so that you may know each other. Surely the most honoured of you in the sight of God is the one who is the most righteous of you” (49:13).
Instead of enabling human beings to know each other better, there is no reason why these diversities should create barriers, or cause animosity among human beings.
All faiths advocate seeking truth through knowledge and faith speaks to faith in a process of acceptance, tolerance, compassion, justice and humility. And when we talk about differences we must be generous and patient always bearing in mind that we are all God’s creation and to God shall we return.
However, work remains to be done but with such support and solidarity I am hopeful that this will be instrumental in bringing necessary changes to combat evil and ridding the world of this insidious plague of terrorism.
Once again thank you all for your support in this difficult time.